How does MailinglistPro Handle Bounces?

MailingListPro uses a method called Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP) to code the return path headers of all e-mail sent from the system.

This is why a subdomain is required so that you do not have to worry about setting the catchall account to pipe to a script.

The return path header looks like this: this allows for exact bounce catching.

The system will mark any e-mail that bounces 2 or more times as bounced and will not send any further e-mails to that email address.

Any Confirmation e-mail that bounces is automatically marked as bounced.

If your host does not allow the setting of the catchall, ask them to turn it on for you, most will.

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All your scripts and bonuses can be downloaded from within the client area.

Where is the manual or help files?

In your admin area in the top right of the screen is the link to the help files.